New Barrel Racks
Topco, Inc. manufactures new wine barrel racks.
We use stainless steel or carbon steel with a powder coat finish. You may choose from our standard specifications or make a special request. All racks are made with attention to details, such as quality of welds and powder coat application.
Revolutionize Your Cellar with Quality and Safety
We prioritize the quality and safety of your production. Our advanced wine barrel racks offer durable, long-lasting storage while enhancing your winery’s ambiance. With improved functionality, they streamline workflow and organization, ensuring a more efficient and secure operation.
Racks Have Saddles!?
Requesting new wine barrel racks allows for the option to choose which saddle type your barrels will be resting on. We recommend using the Topchock© to avoid early rust retardation around the inner welds.

Which barrel rack for you!
Click here to explore our captivating products and intricate specifications.

Explore your color options!
Immerse yourself in a world of vibrant possibilities! Discover our range of captivating color options for your perfect wine barrel rack.
TopCap Seismic Solution Demonstration
In earthquake-prone California, where disasters like the recent Napa earthquake strike unexpectedly, securing wine barrels in cellars is crucial. The violent rocking during earthquakes often ejects top barrels from stacked racks, leading to cascading collapses. Studies confirm that securing the top barrels significantly improves stack stability.
Introducing the TOPCAP, a seismic response solution designed to mitigate risks during earthquakes and daily operations:
- Featuring a simple yet effective strap design.
- Easily installed and removed by one person.
- Lightweight at approximately 15 pounds.
- Compatible with all common rack types and sizes, including 2 and 4-barrel configurations.
- Developed based on rigorous testing and research at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
- An affordable “insurance” against earthquake damage, ensuring cellar safety and continuity of operations.
>>Topcap Product Page Click Here<<
Innovative TopChock saddle. This design eliminates the powder coating difficulties found in other cradles. It is also stronger and lighter. Makes the rack more durable.
“Eastern” saddle. The original design commonly used before our innovation. Can be used on 2 barrel racks and many others.
“Western” saddle, common on 4 barrel racks. Creates a somewhat springy stack. Allows barrels to settle into place.

We differentiate ourselves from competitors by employing thicker steel, maintaining a standard of 0.065 range or higher tolerance for enhanced durability. Our saddles also feature thicker flat bars, further reinforcing their strength and reliability.

Stainless steel wine barrel racks are superior in quality due to their exceptional corrosion resistance, ensuring longevity and durability even in demanding environments.
Debunking Myths About Our Barrel Racks: The Truth Behind Our Manufacturing Process
In recent times, we’ve come across a few rumors concerning the quality of our wine barrel racks, particularly regarding our refurbished racks. As a company dedicated to excellence in manufacturing and refurbishing wine barrel racks, we believe it is essential to address these misconceptions head-on and provide clarity based on facts. Myth 1: Internal Rust…
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Winery with Wine Barrel Racks
Running a successful winery requires meticulous attention to detail, from cultivating the finest grapes to ensuring optimal storage conditions for your precious wines. One crucial element that often goes overlooked but can significantly impact the quality and longevity of your wines is the proper utilization of wine barrel racks. In this article, we will delve…
TOPCO Problem Solving: Earthquake Damaged Barrel Racks
Topco, Inc. would like to offer a solution for barrel racks that were damaged in the recent Napa earthquake. We want to help you rebuild. Did you know that you can save money and over all losses by having us repair your damaged barrel racks? This is a much simpler solution than just out right replacing…
Pangborn Poster
Our wheelabrator system.
Refurbishment: The Recycling of Your Wine Barrel Rack
BACKGROUND When Topco Inc. began producing barrel racks for wineries in 1997, it was evident that these racks had a limited service life, primarily due to rust degradation. Although they were finished with high-quality powder coat, intrusions caused by denting or abrasion allowed metal exposure to the generally corrosive winery environment. Typically, after five to…