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Length: 38″ Width: 57″ Fork Lift Opening: 7″

TOPCAP – Seismic Wine Barrel Rack Holder
Earthquakes are inevitable in California and occur without warning. Just such a disaster occurred last Sunday morning in Napa, California. During an earthquake, wine cellars with barrels stacked on racks 4 to 6 high, begin rocking back and fourth violently. The result is that the top barrels become ejected from the stack. Followed by the…

WR4 – Four Barrel Rack
The Four Barrel Rack is the best option as far as cellar safety. The larger size has been proven to hold up to earthquakes better than the 2 barrel option.

WRB – Half Rack Base
Length: 30.5″ Width: 44.5″ Fork Lift Opening: 3.5″